Tuesday, 23 July 2013

I Have Planted, Apollos Watered, But God Gave The Increase

One afternoon I swung off the M1 motorway around Beenleigh, looking to fuel up my car. I didn't end up going to a service station but I did end up leading a man to Christ. A man who, that same morning, had already been presented with the Gospel!

What I have learnt over the years is that, when we are in the Spirit, what we think are our ideas are actually God's ideas! This is an exciting realm in God. Our hearts plan our ways, but the Lord directs our steps! (Prov 16:9). I saw this profoundly demonstrated with what took place on this particular weekday afternoon.

Driving home from Bible School I saw what I thought was a Shell service station just off the motorway. I had, in my car, a Coles Express discount fuel voucher that can only be used at Shell service stations. And Shell service stations are like hen's teeth where I live so I thought I'd take the opportunity to fuel up and save a couple of dollars in the process. As I came off the exit ramp and approached the service station, I saw it wasn't a Shell service station. In fact, it was nothing like it. Shell service stations are branded yellow and this one, from memory, was a BP service station and branded green! The fuel seemed expensive so, chuckling and wondering how I'd managed to see yellow instead of green, I kept driving, looking for a way to get back onto the motorway. It turned out to be more complicated than you'd think.

I found myself on a service road running parallel to the motorway. As I drove along, off to my left I noticed a creek and what looked like a jetty of some sort. Immediately the fisherman in me became interested. I'm always on the lookout for places to fish or get bait and it occurred to me that there might be baitfish hanging around the jetty. I have a castnet I use to get live mullet or herring. So  the next thing I knew  I was trying now to find my way to the creek instead of the motorway.

Within a few minutes I'd found my way to a carpark alongside the creek. As I drove in, I noticed one other car parked there. I hopped out and headed for the jetty. Walking onto the jetty, I saw a man fishing. As I approached him, I somehow just knew inside that this was a Divinely orchestrated mission. What had started as a mission to get fuel had turned into a mission to find baitfish and had now just turned again ... into a mission to save a soul. 
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. Rom 8:14
The man looked in his mid-fifties or older. "How's it going?" I asked.

"Not bad," he offered.

I walked around the jetty, peering into the water with my Polaroid sunglasses. Polaroids let you see straight into the water and spot schools of fish that people without Polaroids can't see.

"You come across many baitfish around here?" I asked the man after a few minutes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure they do," he replied.

We introduced ourselves and continued on with a bit of small talk for a little while and I wondered when the opportunity would arise to talk about Jesus. It came when G_____ mentioned he was battling cancer. That was the open door.

"You know there is a Name greater than cancer," I said. Or something to that effect. "Jesus Christ is still the healer today, you know. The Name of Jesus is greater than cancer or any other disease."

As I soon as I started talking about Jesus, G_____'s eyes went really wide. He said, "Look at this!" He fumbled around in his shorts' pocket and pulled out a gospel tract! "I was fishing on another jetty this morning and I met a fellow who gave me this!"

I started laughing. "This is your day, G____. You've gotta know that God is knocking on your door!"

So there on the jetty, on a lovely sunny afternoon, I led G_____ through the plan of salvation and asked if he would like to receive Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour. G_____ was in his fishing clothes and I was dressed in corporate attire. It didn't matter. G_____ had a foreordained appointment to meet Jesus. That's all that mattered! 

We started praying and mid-way through our prayer, G_____ hooks up!! I couldn't believe it. But as an understanding fisherman, I said, "You better land this and we'll finish praying in a minute." It seemed like it could be a decent fish by the way it fought but it turned out to be just a catfish. After returning it to the water, we picked up where we left off and G_____ was born again. Glory to God! I then explained to my new brother that his salvation included healing from cancer so we agreed together in prayer for his complete healing, believing that he would enjoy many more years with his family.

We exchanged contact details and I asked if I could look at the gospel tract G_____ had received. There was an email address and I explained to G_____ how rapt this other brother would be to hear what had just happened. I copied down the email address, wished G_____ well and headed off. I was actually working that afternoon so I went to my office with a big grin on my face and shared the story with my colleagues. (One of those colleagues, who heard the story, would himself receive Jesus in the coming weeks. But's that another story...)

Later that night I emailed the brother whose email was on the tract. I encouraged him that he had been used of the Master that morning and that already there was a harvest! He was blessed to hear the news. We would later catch up and form a lasting friendship based on our fellowship in the Gospel.

I have planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. 1 Cor 3:6
In the weeks that followed, I visited G_____ and his wife at home and stocked them up with some resources and again laid hands on G_____ for his complete healing. I encouraged him to get along to a local church and he mentioned he had one in mind. I still have a chuckle when I think that it all started with me mistaking a green BP service station for a yellow Shell service station. That's gotta be the Holy Spirit. All glory to Jesus!

I will finish with a few words by Watchman Nee. I read these words today and they inspired me to write this blog tonight.
For us who are God's children the most soul-destroying thing is to turn our gaze inward. Introspection is a deadly disease ... stop doing it! Learn to walk in the Spirit. Do you feel moved to preach Christ to a soul? Do you stay and examine yourself whether this urge is from you or from God. While you are asking your questions, the opportunity will be gone! Act, and you will be liberated. Watchman Nee (1965), A Table In The Wilderness - Daily Meditations from the Ministry of Watchman Nee.
More testimonies to come, glory to God! Stay tuned. Including: a lost traveller finds the ultimate Destination, an impromptu lunch with some serious Muslims, and a father-son reconciliation with eternal consequence.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

If Any Man Thirst, Let Him Come Unto Me and Drink

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, And your wages for what does not satisfy? Isa 55:1-2a
Last year I found myself in the local supermarket without any money. I'd forgotten my wallet. Nevertheless, I still came home with my groceries and a radiance that comes from leading a lost soul to Christ!

I was in the cold foods section when I suddenly realised I didn't have my wallet. I stood there smiling and shaking my head, looking at the few things I'd already collected to purchase. Looking around I noticed, for the second time, a man I'd seen when I first came into the store. For some reason my attention was being drawn to this fellow and I wasn't sure why. As I walked past him, I smiled and he smiled back.

I made my way to the checkout area and asked the attendant if she would mind my handful of groceries while I went home to get some money. I left the store and sat in my car, checking the ashtray and other places just in case I found some money. Finding nothing, I was preparing to head home when I noticed again the man I'd seen in the supermarket. He was just outside the entrance, trying to fit his groceries into a backpack.

"Hey, my friend," I called out, "Are you on foot?"

"Yeah," he replied with a smile.

"Hey, where do you need to go?" I asked, "Let me give you a lift."

"No, it's okay," he replied. "It's a bit of a drive. I'll be fine."

"It's all good," I said. "Jump in."

The man, who seemed in his mid-forties or so, hesitated for a moment then said, "Okay," and walked over to the car. As we loaded his groceries into the back of my van, we introduced ourselves. 

"I'm S_____," he said, giving me an easy-to-pronounce version of his name. "Do you mind if we go via the bottle shop on our way?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied.

S_____ walked into the drive-thru section of the local pub while I waited in the car. He was keen to buy me something but I declined.

As I sat there, I prayed for S_____. "Help me, Jesus," I prayed, "open a door for me. Help me to reach this man."

Back on the road, we started talking. "You know I used to drink heaps of grog until I discovered Living Water," I ventured. "Jesus said, 'If you're thirsty come to Me and drink!' That's what I drink now, S_____, and out of my belly flows rivers of Living Water!"

In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:37-38
"Have you heard of Living Water, S_____?" I continued. "Do you know Jesus?"

That was enough for S_____ to start opening up. As we drove, I heard the story of a man who had grown up going to church and being around the things of God. He then shared the story of a tragic life and how he had only recently been wondering whether God was giving him a second chance.

I smiled. "God loves you, S_____. This is no accident what's happening right now. God is absolutely giving you a second chance. He highlighted you to me in the shops today."

We pulled into his driveway, probably around twenty minutes or so after we'd left the supermarket. I turned the car off and looked at S_____. "Do you mind if I pray for you?" I asked.

I laid my hands on this hurting man and interceded for him. After a little while, I stopped and asked, "Would you like to make certain of your salvation today, S____? Would you like to ask Jesus into your life today?"

S_____ nodded with tears in his eyes. So sitting together in the old Tarago, I went through the Gospel message afresh with S_____. He gulped it down like a thirsty man who had just received water in the desert. He received Jesus Christ as His Lord and Saviour right then and there. We did some more praying, exchanged contact details, and I armed him with some resources I had in the car. 

Suddenly S_____ pulled out his wallet and started fishing out some money to give me. 

"No way," I said, "I don't want your money."

"No, please," he insisted, "Take this. I want you to have it."

Again I refused. S_____ opened my glove box and threw the money in and closed the lid saying, "Give it to your kids then."

"Okay brother," I said, "Thank you. The Lord bless you." 

It wasn't until I was driving away that I remembered the situation with my wallet. From memory, I'm sure S_____ and I hadn't even talked about it! I opened the glove box and had a look. There was $30 in there. So instead of continuing home for my wallet, I stopped off at the supermarket and purchased my groceries. "Didn't even go home to get my wallet," I said to the young checkout lady, with a cryptic smile on my face.

Fiona and I talked later about how provision can really come in all manner of unexpected ways when we're seeking first Dad's kingdom. As God's covenant children, we shouldn't ever think that we're dependent on the world system for our needs. 
Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Matt 6:31-33
We were blessed to enjoy some memorable times with S_____ after that. Jesus will never leave S_____ or forsake him (Matt 28:20; Heb 13:5). His mercy endures forever; great is His faithfulness (Ps 100:5). He will complete the good work He has begun in that precious brother.
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil 1:6

Sunday, 14 July 2013

I Will Make You Fishers of Men...

The last time I went beach fishing at night, I didn't bring home a feed but I did catch three souls -- glory to God!
And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. Matt 4:19
About this time last year, on a cold, wintery night, I headed off to the beach to do some fishing. We were visiting Fiona's folks in Bargara (one of Bundaberg's beachside suburbs) en route to holding a revival meeting in Rockhampton. It was late at night so I went alone and didn't take any of the children.

I'd set myself up on the sand and, having explored the area during the day, I was pretty confident of catching a few bream or flathead or even some whiting. I had light line, live yabbies, and plenty of time. I like fishing. It's outdoors. You can breathe in the salt air. And you have plenty of time to pray and worship and reflect on things.

It was about ten o'clock when I heard the sound of loud voices and the sound of crashing objects and laughing. From what I could hear, it sounded like a bunch of youths, full of bravado and maybe booze as well. The sounds were getting closer and I started to feel a bit vulnerable. I was on my own and I didn't really know the neighbourhood that well. I had thoughts of packing up and leaving but then I thought, "Oh well Lord, I'm in your hands. Let's see what happens."

A few minutes later three teenagers stumbled onto my fishing spot  two young men and a young lady. They came over and started talking. One of them was quite the fisherman and started filling me in with local fishing knowledge. They told me different stories and exploits and boasted about drinking and other things that youth are into these days. They weren't in any hurry and they talked to me for probably half an hour.

Meanwhile I hadn't caught a thing...

As it got later, it was getting colder so the three friends told me they were going to keep moving. In my heart, compassion was growing for these young people and I wanted to tell them about Jesus but I hadn't yet taken an opportunity. I said, "No worries. Maybe see you again." As they turned and started walking off, something inside me said, "This is it, Dylan. It's now or never."

"Hey!" I called out, "Has anyone ever told you about Jesus?" or something to that effect. I remember feeling clumsy in my approach. But our Lord only needs the smallest step of faith on our part. What prevents us many times from stepping out in evangelism is that we place too much emphasis on our own ability to win people to Jesus. But we must continually remind ourselves that it's not us. We can't win anyone to Jesus. But the fragrance of Christ in us ... can! The Holy Spirit does miracles, including salvation miracles, through us and in spite of us!
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 2 Cor 4:7
As soon as I'd called out to those young people, they turned around and came back. One of them  the leader  literally jumped the wooden fence and sat down cross-legged in front of me. None of them said a word. They were fixated on me, waiting for me to speak! And so right there, on the beach at probably close to eleven o'clock at night, I shared Jesus with a captive audience of three. For about half an hour I went through the Gospel while they hung on every word.

Don't believe the enemy's lies. Young people today are starving for Living Bread. And they are parched, thirsty for Living Water. For all the technology and entertainment and the corruptions of the age, our young people are desperate for an encounter with Truth and Life. Don't believe for a minute that we've lost the battle for our young people.
...when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. Isa 59:19
As the wind became colder, I challenged them for a response as I do every person I share Jesus with. "You've heard the Truth tonight. Your heart's burning. You know God is real and that what's happening right now is no accident. Jesus is calling you tonight. The Scripture says, 'But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name.' Will you receive Jesus tonight as your Lord and Saviour?" I continued, "Today is the day of salvation. What are you going to do with what I've told you tonight?" 

The three of them looked at each other and looked back at me. The leader, a young man named D_____, said, "It's very cold."

"Let's go and get in my Tarago," I said, "It'll be warm in there and we'll talk a bit more."

They hesitated.

"Don't worry. I'm safe," I said, "The car's full of child car seats."

They looked at each other again and D____ said, "Okay."

So we all bundled into the Tarago out of the cold wind. By this stage, fishing was the last thing on our minds. I'd left my rod and everything on the sand. In the car, I went through the plan of salvation and, after confirming that each of them knew they needed a Saviour and were ready to receive Jesus, we prayed together. D_____, K_____, and J_____ all received Jesus and were born again. What a happy night! Two 17 year-olds and one 18 year-old. In the warm Presence of Jesus, we laughed and talked about what had just happened. The young lady, K_____, said, "As soon as you called us back, I knew something like this was going to happen. I knew there was something different about you."

After giving each of them some resources that I had in the car, I offered to drive them home or wherever they needed to go. They agreed, seeing it was so cold. We went back and collected my fishing gear off the beach and headed home.

When I finally got home and climbed into bed, Fiona mumbled something like, "Did you catch anything?"

"Yeah," I said with a smile, "I'll fill you in, in the morning."

I kept in touch with D____ for a quite a while after that. I enquired about churches in Bundaberg and recommended one that someone recommended to me. He works on a trawler and I hope to see him and his two friends again one day.

It was while I was on that trip that I found a book in a Bundaberg op shop called, Finding Men For Christ. It's an old book with thick, brownish pages written by C.F. Dempster. Published in London in 1936. It's full of salvation testimonies by a minister who is led by the Holy Spirit to find people for Christ. The stories are amazing and show just what the Lord can do with a willing and obedient vessel. We don't need to be smart or even very brave. We just need to be willing and obedient and He'll do the rest!
If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isa 1:19
The book is inspirational. It's old school 'treasure hunting'. Reading it has encouraged me to publish on this blogspot my own testimonies of finding men and women for Christ. I have several more experiences and encounters that I will post in the coming weeks. All glory to God! May you be encouraged and inspired!
For He says, "In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. 2 Cor 6:2

Monday, 1 July 2013

The Strangers Shall Submit Themselves Unto Me

I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
In my eighteen years of following Christ, He has been so gracious and merciful to me. Even when I am faithless, He shows Himself faithful for He cannot deny Himself. (2 Tim 2:13). What a Covenant we enjoy! A better Covenant, built on better promises! (Heb 8:6).

Over the years, I am humbled to have been used powerfully of our Lord in unexpected ways and in what was seemingly the most ordinary of circumstances. On these remarkable occasions, Jesus has graciously flowed His anointing and love through me to impact lives! And I have come to see, time and again, that it is actually in my weakness that Christ is strong. (2 Cor 12:9-10). Oh that we would cease our strivings and drink deeply of His love and effortlessly flow forth rivers of Living Water.
...Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith the LORD of hosts. Zech 4:6
In the next few blogs I will share a number of wonderful testimonies. I pray they inspire you and help fan into flame the gift of God that is within you. All glory and praise to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour!

The Strangers Shall Submit Themselves Unto Me

Just weeks ago I was sitting in my car working through with the Lord some frustrations I had about a pay bungle. An error by my employer meant that I hadn't been paid and, to top things off, the cheque they had given me to fix the problem had just been rejected by the bank. As I sat there praying through my frustrations, little did I know that I was about to put my life on the line to save another man's life and ultimately lead him to Christ!

Sometimes in the frustrations and setbacks of life, we find it difficult to see the Lord's hand. This was actually my prayer as I sat in the car. "Where are You in this, Lord?" I asked. By His grace, I had so far remained polite and restrained in my dealings with my employer and the bank but I was feeling cranky. My afternoon had been spent collecting the cheque and then driving a fair distance to cash it, only to be denied just as the bank was preparing to close its doors. My car was booked in early the next morning for some major work and I didn't want to lose my booking because I had no funds. I spent the next half an hour in the car praying and reading my Bible, determined to find His peace in what seemed like a pointless waste of time.

When I opened my Bible, it fell open at Psalm 18. I read the whole Psalm aloud and knew my spirit was being ministered to ... and yet I could not see the connection with my current circumstances. I voiced this to the Lord. "Thank you, Lord. I love Your Word but I can't see how this relates." As I sat there gazing out the window at a park, I noticed a group of youths and what seemed to me be a scuffle breaking out. "I'm sure it'll break up," I thought, "Surely they'll sort it out." Very quickly, however, I saw that this was a gang of youths beating up one individual. Even from where I was sitting, I could see the intensity of the violence. At this point, I kind of went into auto-pilot. I put my Bible down on the seat next to me and stepped out of the car and headed to the scene, thanking the Lord for His presence.

As I approached I could see a young man with blood all over his face valiantly trying to stand up to a gang of about ten youths. I saw him fall to the concrete and get kicked before he scrambled to his feet just in time for another youth to step in, tag-team style, and land a punch on his nose. The scene was intense; youths were swearing and goading on the attacker. A couple of girls were in the group as well. It was into this scene that I came waving my arms and yelling, "Okay, break it up. Back off. He's had enough." As I did this, there was somewhat of a pause in the attack as the attacker looked at me and then focused back on the young man. Again the yelling and swearing started and I began pacing and praying, "Thank you, Jesus. Help me Lord. Please help me, Jesus. Thank you for authority, in Jesus' name." As a high school teacher, I know how hard it is to break up a fight between two students in the context of a school, let alone a small crowd in a public park in a town renowned for its crime and violence. "Break it up. It's finished," I yelled again. And again there was a strange kind of pause.

At this moment, from the corner of my eye, I noticed a tall Pacific Islander coming across the park. Before I could think about whether he was friend or foe, he shoved the latest attacker to the ground. This was the circuit breaker I needed. I grabbed the young man by the arm and said, "Come on, we're outta here." Full of adrenaline, he started protesting. "Forget about it," I said, "there's too many. You're outnumbered. We're going." I took him to the nearby library and said, "Come in here and wash up and we'll have a talk." The young man was a mess. People in the library made comments and a lady offered to call the police. To me it was all a bit of a blur. The gang of youths in the park, full of bravado, started to fade away into the distance. The young man, who I'll identify only as A_____, emerged from the bathroom, grabbed his skateboard and hightailed it down the street in the opposite direction from the gang.

As I watched him getting further away and listened to people around me talking about the situation, I had a strong urge to follow him. I started running in pursuit, calling out for him to stop so we could talk. "I'm your friend," I yelled. "I'm the one who came to help." He ignored my cries and skated further away before crossing the road. Then suddenly, from across the road I called out, "Hey, God loves you man. He has a plan and a destiny for your life. He saved your life today! I'm not even meant to be here." At this point he stopped and turned around. It was as though he was arrested by something. I crossed the road and continued, "I'm not even meant to be here. I've been sitting in my car praying and reading my Bible wondering what I'm doing here. I'm here because of you! God knew what was about to happen and He just stepped in to save your life." I then introduced myself and we shook hands. I asked if we could walk together. He agreed and started talking and opening up.

"I think my nose is broken," he said. He sure was a sight to behold; blood was smeared across his face. His lips were busted up, his nose likely broken. He complained that his jaw was out. People walking past us looked and whispered. The adrenaline was wearing off and he was feeling it. As we walked I encouraged him to come to back to my car so I could give him a lift to the hospital or home or wherever he wanted to go. A_____, a hurting 17 year-old, shared some of his life with me as we walked. We got back to my car which I realised I'd left unlocked with Bible, phone and wallet sitting in clear view on the front seat. (Not that my wallet had anything in it except a rejected cheque!). We climbed in and I started sharing how I'd been sitting there praying and reading the Bible. He asked me to drive him to his dad's work and so we drove off, with me praying for him hand-on-chest as we drove.

In the carpark of his dad's work, I started sharing the love of Christ with A_____. As we talked, he complained of the pain he was feeling in his neck and shoulder and ribs. "Would you let me pray for you?" I asked. I laid hands on him again and said, "Pain go, in Jesus' name. Healing power flow into A_____'s neck and shoulder and ribs, in Jesus' name." As I was praying, A_____ put his hand to his mouth. He was trying to smile but his dried, bloody lips were hurting. "It's working," he said, "It's working!" I started laughing. "That's the power of Jesus Christ," I said, "He's the Healer!" I then laid my hands on his nose and his head and kept ministering the healing power of Jesus into his body. We had a ball!

I then pulled out a gospel tract that I always like to have with me. And there in my old Tarago in the lightly falling rain, a young man with a world of hurts and nothing to offer God but pain and shame, received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. The change in A_____'s countenance was immediate and the car was filled with the peace and presence of God. We both started laughing. "You are a son of the living God," I said. "We're brothers," I said. "I love you," I said. Together we prayed that God would lead him into a church family where he could love and be loved and grow in Christ. We prayed together for protection from all his enemies. I gave him my phone number and the address details for our church meetings. I committed A_____ into Christ's loving care.

At this point, A_____'s dad emerged from where he worked and we hopped out of the car to meet him. His dad, while very thankful, was understandably shaken because of his son's injuries. I said, "God has his hand on your son's life. He has a real destiny in God." I shared how I'd been praying in the car about my supposed waste of an afternoon when the Lord used me to help A_____. I invited both of them to church and assured them we would receive them with open arms should they come to visit. As we were talking, the rain started falling heavily so we returned to our cars. Mission accomplished, glory to God!

As I reflected that evening, I was sobered by the violence and brutality I had witnessed that afternoon. I prayed for the attackers. They are lost and hurting too and in real need of a Saviour. Then the Lord showed me something very cool! I saw how Psalm 18 fitted! Precious Holy Spirit had specifically led me that afternoon to Psalm 18 so that I might receive an impartation of Divine faith to complete a mission I knew nothing about.
As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me; the strangers shall submit themselves unto me. The strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places. The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted ... thou hast delivered me from the violent man. Psalm 18:44-46,48a
When I reflect on this wonderful testimony, I see how little a part I played in the whole thing. It was Christ working through me. I think I was useful to Jesus on that very ordinary-looking Wednesday afternoon, because I find myself today a humbled man and a heavy drinker of His love and grace. We can only flow forth what we are receiving. To flow forth Divine love and power, we must be receiving Divine love and power. We must know how to receive. We must know what it is to love and 'be-loved'.
That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Eph 3:17-20