But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Cor 11:3
Oh how sweet to the taste, how peaceful, is the simplicity that is in Christ. The ESV renders it: "sincere and pure devotion to Christ." This place of simplicity is the safest and most peaceful place for the sons of God. While such a place may not titillate the senses or excite the mind, it certainly warms the spirit and cultivates child-like confidence before God (1 John 3:21).
Many of Satan's temptations are obvious – they appeal to the cravings of the flesh. The sincere disciple of Christ, while tempted in his flesh, is not easily deceived by such temptations. When he falls, he does so bemoaning the weakness of his flesh. But here Paul speaks of another temptation – a certain cunning and beguilement that corrupts the mind. He speaks of a corruption from a simple and pure devotion to Christ. This device of Satan is very subtle. He presents as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). His counsel presents as good and wise even though, in reality, it is earthly, sensual, and devilish (Jam 4:15).
Consider Jesus' loving rebuke of Peter when he began entertaining and proclaiming good and wise ideas. "Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me." (Matt 16:23). Jesus exposed the inspiration behind Peter's wisdom. Jesus' strong rebuke was designed to bring Peter back to humility and truth... quickly! Judas Iscariot would chart a different course and entertain lofty and carnal ideas to the corruption of his mind and ultimate demise. Even after all Judas witnessed of the love and power of Christ, it was his worldly wisdom that drove him to betray the Lord of glory and give Him up as a failure.
Many of Satan's temptations are obvious – they appeal to the cravings of the flesh. The sincere disciple of Christ, while tempted in his flesh, is not easily deceived by such temptations. When he falls, he does so bemoaning the weakness of his flesh. But here Paul speaks of another temptation – a certain cunning and beguilement that corrupts the mind. He speaks of a corruption from a simple and pure devotion to Christ. This device of Satan is very subtle. He presents as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). His counsel presents as good and wise even though, in reality, it is earthly, sensual, and devilish (Jam 4:15).
Consider Jesus' loving rebuke of Peter when he began entertaining and proclaiming good and wise ideas. "Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block to me." (Matt 16:23). Jesus exposed the inspiration behind Peter's wisdom. Jesus' strong rebuke was designed to bring Peter back to humility and truth... quickly! Judas Iscariot would chart a different course and entertain lofty and carnal ideas to the corruption of his mind and ultimate demise. Even after all Judas witnessed of the love and power of Christ, it was his worldly wisdom that drove him to betray the Lord of glory and give Him up as a failure.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peacable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. Jam 3:17Beware of the temptation to soulishly chase after new and fanciful revelations; to vainly pursue secret knowledge. Such is Gnosticism and a dangerous departure from the simplicity that is in Christ. Satan's age-old device against those who are zealous for God is to appear as an angel of light and to lure them into the same condemnation that he experienced (1 Tim 3:6). "Your eyes will be opened," he counselled Eve, "and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Gen 3:5). Adam and his wife enjoyed sweet fellowship with their Creator, walking with Him in the Garden in the cool of the day. What a beautiful picture. What could Adam and Eve possibly lack that Satan might gain advantage over them? What could he possibly trade with them? Adam and Eve had no lack – they fell through the lure of secret knowledge and prideful ascendancy.
Brothers and sisters, the Lord shares His secrets with and makes known His Covenant to those who fear Him (Psalm 25:14). At Jesus' feet we learn from One who is gentle and lowly in heart and we find rest for our souls (Matt 11:29). We have no lack.
To have one's mind corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ to pursue secret knowledge or prideful visions or angel worship is to fall from grace; it is to disqualify oneself (Col 2:18). Such deception can only end in tears and bitter anguish for God resisteth the proud but giveth grace unto the humble (Jam 4:6).
...Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up. 1 Cor 8:1
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